Holy Spirit 4 – Encounter the Holy Spirit
During the posting of my last blog, we were in the final stretch of bringing my book to publication. The whole experience awakened in me a profound respect for others who write their stories. And since the book’s publication, I’m beginning to understand what it’s like to be vulnerable on a whole new level!
In my blog Reflections 4, the Holy Spirit had said to me, “You could have stopped at any point in this journey and I would not have been upset with you.” As He was speaking that to my heart, I felt like He understood how difficult each step had been and how proud He was that I didn’t give up along the way. And when I heard Him ask, “But hasn’t it been worth it?” The answer was from my heart— “Absolutely Lord!”
And now, having written the book, having made myself vulnerable and now walking through it into a new place of freedom—my answer is still the same. Yes, Lord. Yes. It was so worth it.
In this new season, as people read the book, my ability to overcome vulnerability is once again being tested. But, there’s a key word here—overcome. I AM an overcomer. Because He Who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. Amen?!
And, much to my surprise (mostly because I thought no one would actually read the book), I have overcome. When I thought I would be most vulnerable–now that the book is actually available and being read–instead, I have an overwhelming sense of joy and peace. I’m seeing the hope contained in the book spilling out and overflowing as it is received with open hearts by believers and non-believers alike. I’m hearing stories of the book’s impact on lives—through its pages, people have been able to see themselves and their circumstances and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding them through their own storms.
These testimonies of the book’s impact have been an answer to my own prayers, that God would use this book—my story—to show how He brings peace to the storms of life, and restores hope when all hope is lost. It’s really then, not my story at all. But the story of God’s goodness, mercy, and grace—for everyone. What He did for me, He WILL do for you.
And I am so, so grateful.
When I started to pen this blog, my intention had been to offer some guidance on how to spend time with the Holy Spirit. But, the truth is that He is ever present, always in us, and always “on call” for us. He’s always talking, always sharing with our hearts—but we need to be listening for His still, small, voice. We need to be able to recognize His voice and know when He’s speaking to us. The only way we can do that is by spending time with Him.
If this book opens that door for its readers—if it helps them connect with the Holy Spirit, then I’ve done my job.
I always found it interesting that I had no problem encountering the Holy Spirit in prison—but out here in the ‘real world,’ it’s been so much more difficult. It took me years, but I finally realized that it was because I didn’t set time apart for Him. My schedule was always packed and my mind was always too busy keeping up with my schedule to make space for the Holy Spirit. But, as I rearranged my life to make time, I found the Holy Spirit waiting for me! He never left—I did.
Now, He is my source for abundant life that He promises in His Word to all of us, and, as Dr. Pat Harrison says, “The Holy Spirit is everything that Jesus said He would be to me.”
Is He your everything?
Photo by ConfinedRiley on Unsplash