Connect the Dots—New Perspectives Series
Seven months ago, I received a prophetic word from Pastor Fred Brothers—one in which God was telling me I needed to “connect the dots”. And then, on April 13th, Pastor Fred gave me the same word for our church after we posted the Superbloom blog.
So I thought, “Lord, what exactly does that mean—to connect the dots?”
Then the Lord reminded me that over these past few months, I have seen accelerated growth—especially in our leadership team. In some, this growth has taken the shape of a sudden shift from where they were, to seeing them actually spearhead something new—and most of these new ventures are ministries outside the church! The picture I got was like the church’s walls were bulging outward from all the pressure and when it could no longer be contained, the walls let go with a burst of joy! And it was raining blossoms all over Cambria!
And, then the Lord showed me another “dot”. Just last month, Pastor Lonnie Hilton spoke at our church and his message was about distraction. He talked about not allowing the distractions of the world to take our focus off Jesus. Hmmmm. Could I be so focused on what I’m doing that I’m missing out on seeing the BIG picture—on what GOD is doing?
The big picture. To be totally honest, until Kathy wrote that blog about the Superbloom, I didn’t even know there was a superbloom going on in California. But now I understand that our “Superbloom” is so immense that it can actually be seen from outer space. I’m also hearing though, that it’ll soon be coming to an end—that all those blooms are starting to throw their seeds, and that what had been green and vibrantly alive is now beginning to turn brown.
But there is good news!! All that seed will be waiting in the ground for next season! And for those of you who wonder why you haven’t seen or felt anything? God is saying, “Just wait!” All that seed from this Superbloom foretells of an even greater harvest next season! Praise God!
Yes, this season’s blooms will die (the seed sown won’t come to life unless it dies—1 Cor 15:36), but the seeds that have been planted will bring an even greater harvest. And as I saw all the different colors and different species of flowers growing together, I wondered, could it possibly represent all the different Christian churches blooming together? Unity coming to the Body of Christ?
And in my own life, even as I’ve begun to look for and connect the dots in myself, my church, and my ministries, I feel like there are parts of the picture that haven’t yet “connected”. But as I contemplate that coming greater harvest, I’m already excited about what’s ahead.
I’m believing that Pastor Fred’s word was for all of us—a word that encourages us to take our eyes off of what ISN’T happening to see what IS—
Don’t be like me and look for what’s missing. Instead, be expecting and encouraged because despite what we don’t see, God truly is doing a new “thing” in us and around us! He’s left a trail of seeds for us to follow and a lamp (Psalm 119:105) to light our way.
So, go ahead. Connect the dots—and see what the Lord hath done!